Guidelines for Paper
These notes are to be used by authors of papers so that they can use a consistent style and can visualize how their paper will look when printed. To minimize the differences between formats of different papers, and thus to provide a professional appearance to the Proceedings, these editorial instructions need to be followed strictly. The paper may be than formatted according to the instructions and may be used as a model. The various parts of the paper will typically have the following structure:
Title. The title should be as brief as possible, while being sufficiently descriptive to enable potential readers to determine interest for the readers.
Authors. All authors must be listed, followed by their affiliations. The committee has no policy on the determination of the order of listing of authors. Qualifications and addresses may be listed. Please underline the author that will be presenting the paper.
Abstract. An abstract will be required to be submitted with the Paper if not submitted prior. The abstract should summarize the essential points of the paper in a single paragraph and be not more than 300 words in length. The abstract should be followed by keywords (maximum four)
Body of the paper. You may use any number of parts with headings (BOLD, CAPITALS) or lead in subheadings (bold). The body of the paper should be broken down into sections such as Introduction, Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.
Paper presentation
Paper length. Complete research papers should not exceed 10 pages. Use tables, graphs/charts, or line drawings where appropriate. Photos must be provided as a separate high quality file, as well as within the document.
Type size and font. Use Arial 12 point for the text and 14 point for the title. Use single line spacing in text sections.
Spacing between sections. Leave one blank line between sections of the paper. Leave one blank line between section and sub-section headings and the following text.
Curriculum vitae
Please attach a short CV, on a separate page. This will be read by the session Chair prior to you giving your presentation.
Photograph of the author
Please attach a high quality photograph of the corresponding author.
Presentation of paper
All papers will be grouped a far as possible into appropriate sessions to facilitate discussion on the various topic areas. All plenary session timeslots are 30 minutes which includes introduction by the session chair and question & answer time. Concurrent session timeslots will be a maximum of 20 minutes which includes question and answer and changeover time. Speakers should rehearse their papers to ensure that they can cover their main points in the allocated time.
Speakers should not read their published paper word for word - use notes instead. All audio visual requirements will be available to enhance each speaker's presentation. Speakers should inform the conference organizers and get confirmation well in advance about any special needs in relation to the technical aspects of presenting their paper.
Paper review
All submitted papers will go through the process of Double Blind Peer Review by the experts. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Authors will be advised of the status of their paper in January via email. Any papers requiring correction will be advised of the final paper deadline (if required). Speakers will be sent a forward program advising of their date and time of presentation.