Welcome by Rector

Welcome to UMT, a university that is all about transforming innovative ideas into tangible solutions under the mentorship of some of the finest faculty in the region. It is a great time to be in UMT as the University is all set to embark on a new chapter in its 27-year enviable journey of progress and excellence in academic innovation. I feel immense pride in providing institutional leadership to a University whose name is synonymous with quality education and whose graduates are the torchbearers of the highest degree of academic, professional, and moral ethos which is the hallmark of their alma mater.
We live in an increasingly complex world where the future is unpredictable and the intertwining of market forces and technology has created an unprecedented impact on higher education globally. The future of developing countries is inextricably linked up with the extent to which higher education translates into economic development and valuable human capital in the knowledge era. How universities perform as key drivers for increased research capacity, innovation, scientific and industrial output, and economic competitiveness not only determines the quality of higher education but also paves the way for national prosperity and wellbeing. That is why universities have been recognized as the pivot of knowledge economies and entrepreneurial growth. As such, the future of the world hinges on the capabilities of university students like you and how well-prepared you are to contribute to a knowledge-intensive society.
So our priority then is your success, i.e., the success of our students. How do we achieve this? By providing a learning experience that prepares you to meet the challenges of the future.
With an outstanding legacy of academic excellence and diversity in academic disciplines that has already established its credentials as a premier General University in Pakistan, UMT has already made its mark on the higher education landscape. Our vision for the future of UMT is to transform the University into a powerhouse of learning and innovation nationally and regionally and strengthen its overall rankings in specific domains. We remain committed to nurturing and challenging your spirit and intellect; be assured that once you have become a UMT graduate, you will be ready to face the uncertainties of the future with the confidence and enthusiasm of those who are equipped to be world changers, explorers, innovators, discoverers, and leaders.